Emma Gerrits (2022)
Emma Gerrits (2022)
Charlotte de Jong (2021)
On the role of galectin-4 in (re)myelination and multiple sclerosis
Malte Borggrewe (2021)
Yang Heng (2021)
Innate immune memory and transcriptional profiling of microglia
Marissa Dubbelaar (2020)
Microglia Information Converted to RNA-Seq Outputs Generates Laborious Integrative Analyses
Inge Werkman (2020)
Arun Thiruvalluvan (2018)
Induced pluripotent stem cells: cell therapy & disease modeling
Jordan Dunham (2017)
Translational multiple sclerosis research in primates – Mind the gap
Zhuoran Yin (2017)
Thais Fernanda de Almeida Galatro (2017)
Ilia Vainchtein (2016)
Raiders of the CNS. New insights on microglia and myeloid infiltrates in EAE
Marjolein Bijlard (2016)
On the cause of multiple sclerosis: Molecular mechanisms regulating myelin biogenesis
Ria Wolkorte (2015)
Perceived fatigue and muscle fatigability in persons with multiple sclerosis
Marcin Czepiel (2015)
Induced pluripotent stem cells: therapeutic potential for multiple sclerosis
Hande Ozgen (2014)
Josephine Stoffels (2014)
Multiple sclerosis, remyelination and the role of fibronectin
Daniele De Paula Faria (2014)
Vishnu Kannan (2013)
Mirjana Stancic (2012)
Shamsudheen Moidunny (2012)
Oncostatin M and leukemia inhibitory factor in excitotoxicity
Martha Olah (2011)
Hilmar van Weering (2009)
Jop Mostert (2009)
preliminary findings
Alexander de Haas (2007)
Hiske van Duinen (2007)
The interaction between motor fatigue and cognitive task performance
Veerakumar Balasubramaniyan (2006)
Zuzana Siskova (2006)
Esther Zeinstra (2004)
Diana Wittendorp (2004)
Adenosine-induced neuroprotection: involvement of glia cells and cytokines
Ineke Dijkstra (2004)
Daniel Chesik (2004)
Wia Baron (1999)
Marjan van der Haar (1998)
Myelin biogenesis: Transport of proteolipids in oligodendrocytes
Martin ter Beest (1997)